Publications and teaching

To see some of my publications, go to


Some recent works include

2016. Negro y Verde: Etnicidad, economiá y ecología en los movimientos negros del pacífico colombiano. (translated by Miriam Fajardo Giustin). ICESI y ICANH. Series:  Terrenos etnográficos.
Forthcoming.  (third of six co-authors with Houria Djoudi et al). Beyond dichotomies: Gender and intersecting inequalities in the climate change literature. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. (special issue: Gender and climate change).

2016.  A Retrospective look at the Winding Paths to legalizing Afro-Colombian Rights in Law 70 of 1993.  Revista de Esudios Colombianos 47 (January-June): 67-77.

2016.  (with Bimbika Sijapati Basnett). Linking Gender Equality and Sustainable Development beyond Instrumental Reason: Gender Equity as an entitlement not just a means to the ends of sustainable development. Development and Change Forum 47 (4): 952-964.

Book Chapters
2016. Tenure vs. Territory:  Black Women’s Struggles in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia. Pp. 206-218 in Gender and Forestry:  Climate Change, Tenure, Value Chains, and Emerging Issues.  Carol Colfer et al., editors.  Routledge.

Forthcoming. From Afro-Colombians to Afro-descendants:  The Trajectory of post-1990s Black Social Movements in Colombia. In Interrogating the Civil Society Agenda: Social Movements, Civic Participation, and Democratic Innovation. Sonia Alvarez et al, editors. Duke University Press.

2014. Texts in Contexts: Reading Afro-Colombian women’s Activism. Pp. 189-208 in Translocalities/Translocalidades: Feminist Politics of Translation in Latin/a Américas. Sonia Alvarez et al, editors. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.